The PUBG game was created by a guy named Brendan Green just a simple guy who had an amazing idea to create a game that has a revolutionary mode of gameplay based on 100 player fighting in a circle and the last one or squads who stays alive wins a chicken dinner Branden was born in Ireland then he moved to brazil to peruse his career as a photographer and web developer.
After that he began to get into game development step by step he went back to Ireland and helped to make a game called ARMA 2 then it got transformed into another game called DayZ and that's when he came up with an idea of creating a whole new battel royal game called pubg a name shortened of player unknown's battlegrounds. so he took a plan to Seoul Korea directly to meet up with a video game company called Bluehole he proposed his idea and they were amazed by this new perspective of Fps shooter game so they accepted his game and they developed it to a point it was released on steam on 23 march 2017 and guess what! it was a hit. a 50 million copy was sold all over the world people and gamers went crazy about it they played it day and night just to win a chicken dinner and feel victorious
Brendan green had a wife but she left him because he had an idea and he didn't want to let it go she didn't supported him because he gave a lot of time to this game to make it successful it's her loss because Brendan is rich now and this reminds us men to never let go your dreams go for it to the end.
later Brendan green started to launch and making other versions of pubg on different platforms on mobile and consoles so he made pubg lite, pubg mobile, and pubg mobile lite, now he made pubg new state an optimized version on mobile that has better graphics and a whole new gameplay mechanics. Later pubg lite on pc was terminated because it has very low gamers playing it but people now are playing the mobile version more than any other versions of this game so the creator is now focusing on the mobile version more and more.
Pubg gave other video games companies idea to create their own version of battle royal fps shooter games so they released games like:
*- Super people.
*-Call of
Duty Warzone.
*-Ring of
Light: Bad Blood.
*-Arma 3:
PlayerUnknown's Battle Royale Mod.
*-GTA Online: Motor Wars.
So which game do you think is better in Battel royal style in these games that got released? the original game pubg.. or these new games.?
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